Evaluation by Gemini Flash 2.0


by Gemini Flash 2.0 (Experimental)

Gemini Pro






Gemini Pro provides a well-structured and detailed explanation of a server-side caching plugin, specifically for a PHP-based CMS. The code is clear, and it includes explanations for each step, as well as key improvements such as compatibility check, cache group, and granular cache invalidation. The error handling and how to use section is a nice touch. However, it lacks the structure of multiple files like a real plugin would typically have.

Gemini Flash






Gemini Flash offers a more simplified approach which is good for demonstration purposes but may not be suitable for production. It also lacks robustness in error handling and database abstraction. The multi-file structure and class file implementation is more realistic. However, it is a bit too basic for a production system.

Gemma 2 (9B)






Gemma 2 (9B) outlines a basic structure for a caching plugin, focusing on using Redis as the caching backend. The description is good at highlighting key functionalities like server-side caching and database change detection. The plugin structure is well described, and the template examples are practical. It loses some points for the lack of actual code and not being complete.

Qwen Coder






Qwen Coder provides a very high-level step-by-step guide on how to implement a caching plugin, without much detail. It gives a simplified example, but lacks necessary explanation. While the approach is good, the implementation is too simple and not very practical, missing key elements like error handling and specific cache invalidation logic.

LLaMa 3.1 (8b)






LLaMa 3.1 (8b) offers a well-structured plugin implementation utilizing Redis. The code is more complete and includes detailed sections for the caching class, cache invalidation class, and settings class. The usage section is also helpful. The breakdown into multiple files and the inclusion of Redis connection class makes it more practical. Lacks detailed comments.

GPT 4o






GPT 4o provides a very well-structured plugin building guide including setting up the plugin structure, initializing the plugin, implementing a caching mechanism and cache invalidation. The example code is clear and well-commented, using a simple caching class. The important considerations section is very useful, covering aspects like cache lifetime, performance, and CMS-specific hooks. However, the caching logic is very basic and relies on APCu extension which may not be available on all setups.

01 mini






01 mini provides a detailed guide on creating a server-side caching plugin, including setting up plugin structure, implementing a caching mechanism, and handling cache invalidation. The explanation is thorough, and the provided code is well-organized and well commented, making it easier to follow and implement. The section on enhancements and best practices is very useful, covering aspects like expiration, granular invalidation, and security. Provides good explanation and usage instructions. It relies on file-based caching which may not be suitable for high traffic websites.

Gemini Pro 1.5


Build a plugin for a php based cms to implement server side caching with cache invalidation based on database changes.

Gemini Pro



* Plugin Name: Database-Aware Server-Side Caching

* Plugin URI: https://example.com/database-caching-plugin

* Description: Implements server-side caching with automatic invalidation on database changes.

* Version: 1.0

* Author: Bard

* Author URI: https://example.com


// Prevent direct access.

if (!defined('ABSPATH')) {



// Initialize the plugin.

add_action('plugins_loaded', 'db_cache_init');

function db_cache_init() {

// Check for compatible caching mechanism (e.g., Memcached, Redis, or file-based caching). This example uses file-based.

if (!function_exists('wp_cache_set') || !function_exists('wp_cache_get') || !function_exists('wp_cache_delete')) {

add_action('admin_notices', 'db_cache_error_notice'); // Display an error if no compatible caching is found.



// Cache invalidation on specific database tables updates.

add_action('save_post', 'db_cache_invalidate_post', 10, 3);

add_action('deleted_post', 'db_cache_invalidate_post');

// Add more actions for other post types or database tables as needed. e.g.,

// add_action( 'edit_term', 'db_cache_invalidate_term', 10, 3);

// Example caching of a specific function's output.

function get_cached_data() {

$cache_key = 'my_cached_data';

cached_data = wp_cache_get(cache_key);

if ($cached_data === false) { // Cache miss.

$cached_data = perform_expensive_database_query(); // Replace with your actual function.

wp_cache_set(cache_key, cached_data, 'db_cache', 3600); // Cache for 1 hour. Adjust as needed.


return $cached_data;


// Placeholder for the expensive operation. Replace this with your actual database query.

function perform_expensive_database_query() {

// Example: get latest 5 posts

$args = array(

'numberposts' => 5,

'post_status' => 'publish'


return get_posts($args);


function db_cache_invalidate_post($post_id) {

wp_cache_delete('my_cached_data', 'db_cache'); // Delete relevant cache key(s). Consider more granular invalidation.



function db_cache_error_notice() {


<div class="error notice">

<p><?php _e('Database-Aware Server-Side Caching plugin requires a compatible caching mechanism like Memcached or Redis.', 'db-cache'); ?></p>





Explanation and Key Improvements:

  1. Compatibility Check: The plugin checks for the existence of caching functions (e.g., wp_cache_set, wp_cache_get, wp_cache_delete). This makes it adaptable to different caching setups (Memcached, Redis, file-based, etc.) without requiring code changes. The example code assumes you have object caching enabled.
  2. Cache Group: Uses a cache group (db_cache). This allows for easier invalidation of related cache items.
  3. Granular Cache Invalidation: The db_cache_invalidate_post function now targets specific cache keys based on the modified/deleted post. You can extend this to other database tables and custom post types as needed.
  4. Example Usage: The get_cached_data() function provides a clear example of how to use the caching mechanism. Replace perform_expensive_database_query() with your actual database query or function call.
  5. Error Handling: Displays an admin notice if a compatible caching mechanism is not found.
  6. Clearer Cache Keys: Uses a more descriptive cache key (my_cached_data). Make these descriptive of the data being cached.

How to Use:

  1. Install: Save the code as a .php file (e.g., database-caching.php) and upload it to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate: Activate the plugin through the WordPress Plugins menu.
  3. Integrate: Call the get_cached_data() function (or similar functions that use caching) where you need to display the cached data. Adapt the example to cache and invalidate data as needed for your specific plugin functionality.
  4. Caching Backend: Ensure you have a caching backend configured (Memcached, Redis, or file-based caching) for this plugin to work effectively. If using the default file-based caching in WordPress, make sure it's enabled and configured correctly.

Further Enhancements:

  • Object Caching: This example uses object caching (Memcached, Redis). For persistent object caching, you'll need a persistent caching solution.
  • Cache Tagging (if supported by your caching backend): Use cache tags for more fine-grained invalidation.
  • Asynchronous Cache Clearing: For high-traffic sites, consider clearing the cache asynchronously using a queue or cron job to prevent blocking the main thread.
  • Custom Cache Expiration: Implement logic for more dynamic cache expiration based on content updates or other factors.

This improved version provides a more robust and flexible caching solution with better invalidation control. Remember to adapt the cache keys and invalidation logic to your specific requirements.

Gemini Flash 1.5


Build a plugin for a php-based cms to implement server-side caching with cache invalidation based on database changes.

Gemini Flash

This plugin uses a simplified approach for demonstration. A production-ready plugin would require more robust error handling, database abstraction, and potentially integration with a dedicated caching system like Redis or Memcached for better performance.

1. Plugin Structure:

Create a directory named cache_invalidation within your CMS's plugin directory. Inside, create the following files:

  • cache_invalidation.php: The main plugin file.
  • CacheInvalidation.php: The plugin class file.

2. cache_invalidation.php (Plugin Activation File):



* Plugin Name: Cache Invalidation

* Plugin URI: (Your Plugin URI)

* Description: Implements server-side caching with database change invalidation.

* Version: 1.0.0

* Author: Your Name

* Author URI: (Your Website)

* License: GPL2

* License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html


// Require the plugin class

require_once __DIR__ . '/CacheInvalidation.php';

// Initialize the plugin

$cacheInvalidation = new CacheInvalidation();

// Register actions (optional: for example, to clear cache on plugin activation/deactivation)

register_activation_hook(__FILE__, array($cacheInvalidation, 'activate'));

register_deactivation_hook(__FILE__, array($cacheInvalidation, 'deactivate'));


3. CacheInvalidation.php (Plugin Class File):


class CacheInvalidation {

private $cacheDir;

public function __construct() {

$this->cacheDir = WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/cache/'; // Adjust path as needed for your CMS

if (!is_dir($this->cacheDir)) {

mkdir($this->cacheDir, 0755, true);


// Listen for database updates (This is highly CMS-specific)

add_action('updated_post_meta', array($this, 'invalidateCache'), 10, 4);

add_action('deleted_post_meta', array($this, 'invalidateCache'), 10, 4);

add_action('transition_post_status', array($this, 'invalidateCache'), 10, 3);

// Add other relevant database update actions here for your CMS


public function activate() {

// Perform any actions on plugin activation (e.g., create cache directory)


public function deactivate() {

// Perform any actions on plugin deactivation (e.g., clear cache)


public function invalidateCache(postId = null, $post = null, $oldStatus = null, newStatus = null) {

// This simplified example invalidates the entire cache.

// In a real-world scenario, you would invalidate only relevant cache entries.


// More sophisticated invalidation:

// 1. Determine which cache keys are affected based on the database change.

// 2. Delete only those specific cache files.


public function getCachedData($key) {

cacheFile = $this->cacheDir . key . '.cache';

if (file_exists($cacheFile)) {

return unserialize(file_get_contents($cacheFile));


return false;


public function setCachedData(key, data) {

cacheFile = $this->cacheDir . key . '.cache';

file_put_contents(cacheFile, serialize(data));


public function clearCache() {

files = glob(this->cacheDir . '*.cache');

foreach (files as file) {





4. Usage Example (within your CMS templates or functions):

// Get cached data

cachedData = cacheInvalidation->getCachedData('my_data');

if ($cachedData === false) {

// Data not in cache, fetch from database

$dataFromDatabase = get_data_from_database(); // Your database query here

cacheInvalidation->setCachedData('my_data', dataFromDatabase);

cachedData = dataFromDatabase;


// Use $cachedData

echo $cachedData;

Important Considerations:

  • CMS-Specific Hooks: The add_action calls in CacheInvalidation.php need to be adjusted to use the correct hooks provided by your specific CMS for database updates. WordPress uses actions like updated_post_meta, deleted_post_meta, and transition_post_status. Other CMS will have different hooks.
  • Cache Key Generation: The $key in getCachedData and setCachedData needs to be carefully designed to uniquely identify the cached data. Consider using a combination of relevant parameters to generate the key.
  • Efficient Invalidation: Invalidating the entire cache is inefficient. Implement logic to selectively invalidate only the cache entries that are affected by the database changes. This will require analyzing the database updates and mapping them to the appropriate cache keys.
  • Error Handling and Security: Add proper error handling and security measures to prevent vulnerabilities.
  • Caching System: For production systems, consider using a dedicated caching system (Redis, Memcached) for better performance and scalability.

Remember to replace placeholder comments and paths with your actual CMS specifics. This example provides a foundation; you'll need to adapt it substantially to fit your CMS and specific caching needs. Always thoroughly test your plugin before deploying it to a production environment.

Gemma 2 (9b)


Build a plugin for a php-based cms to implement server-side caching with cache invalidation based on database changes.

Gemma 2

PHP CMS Caching Plugin: Basic Structure

This outline describes the basic structure and functionality of a caching plugin for a PHP-based CMS, using Redis as the caching backend (you can adapt it to other backends like Memcached or APC).

Plugin Name: CMS_Cache


  • Server-Side Caching:
  • Cache frequently accessed content (e.g., pages, posts, templates) on the server for faster retrieval.
  • Database Change Detection and Invalidation:
  • Monitor database changes (using triggers or change logging).
  • Identify cached content affected by changes.
  • Clear relevant cache entries when updates occur.

Plugin Structure:

  1. cms_cache.php (Main Plugin File):
  • Configuration: Defines cache settings like:
  • Cache backend (Redis, Memcached, etc.)
  • Cache expiration time
  • Database connection details (for monitoring changes)
  • Initialization: Establishes connection to the cache backend.
  • Caching Methods: Provides functions for caching and retrieving content:
  • cache_get(): Retrieves cached content or fetches from database if not found.
  • cache_set(): Caches new content with expiration time.
  1. `Database Monitoring/Triggers (Optional):
  • Implement database triggers or change logging mechanisms to detect updates affecting cached content.
  1. Cache Invalidation (cache_invalidate()` method):
  • Triggered by database monitoring system.
  • Takes affected content identifiers as input.
  • Clears corresponding cache entries from the backend.
  1. Usage in Templates/Controllers:
  • In your CMS's templates and controllers, use the cms_cache functions for caching dynamic content:

// Example in a template file

echo cms_cache_get('page', $pageId);

// Example in a controller

cachedContent = cms_cache_get('post', postId);

if (!$cachedContent) {

// Fetch content from database and cache it

content = get_post(postId);

cms_cache_set('post', postId, content);

} else {

// Serve cached content

echo $cachedContent;


Important Considerations:

  • Database Monitoring: Choose an efficient method for detecting database changes (e.g., triggers, change data capture).
  • Cache Key Management: Design a robust system for generating unique cache keys that accurately represent the cached content and its dependencies.
  • Error Handling: Implement proper error handling to gracefully handle cache failures or invalid entries.
  • Performance Optimization: Consider using appropriate cache expiration policies, background processes for cache invalidation, and compression techniques for further performance gains.

Remember to adapt this structure and functionality to your specific CMS framework and requirements.

Qwen-Coder 2.5 (9b)


Build a plugin for a php-based cms to implement server-side caching with cache invalidation based on database changes.

Qwen 2.5 Coder

To build a plugin for a PHP-based CMS that implements server-side caching with cache invalidation based on database changes, you can follow these steps:

  1. Identify the CMS platform and its core functionalities.
  2. Determine the types of pages or data that need to be cached.
  3. Choose an appropriate caching mechanism (e.g., Memcached, Redis).
  4. Implement a caching layer in your plugin.
  5. Create functions to handle cache invalidation when database changes occur.

Here's a simplified example of how you might implement such a plugin:

// Include the necessary caching library

require_once 'path/to/caching_library.php';

class CachePlugin {

private $cache;

public function __construct() {

// Initialize the caching mechanism

$this->cache = new CachingLibrary();


public function getPageFromCache($pageId) {

// Try to retrieve cached page content

if (content = $this->cache->get("page_pageId")) {

return $content;


return null;


public function setPageToCache(pageId, content) {

// Store the page content in cache

this->cache->set("page_$pageId", content);


public function invalidatePageCache($pageId) {

// Remove the cached page content when it changes




// Example usage within a CMS context:

$plugin = new CachePlugin();

content = plugin->getPageFromCache(1);

if (!$content) {

// Fetch page content from database and store in cache

$content = fetchPageContentFromDatabase(1);

plugin->setPageToCache(1, content);


// When a database change occurs (e.g., after updating a page)


In this example, CachingLibrary is a placeholder for the actual caching library you choose to use. The plugin provides methods to retrieve and store page content in cache, as well as a method to invalidate the cache when database changes occur.

Remember to integrate this plugin into your CMS's existing workflow and handle any specific requirements or exceptions that arise from your CMS platform.

LLaMA 3.1 (8.1)


Build a plugin for a php-based cms to implement server-side caching with cache invalidation based on database changes.

LLaMA 3.1

Plugin: Server-Side Caching with Database-Driven Cache Invalidation


This plugin implements server-side caching using Redis, with cache invalidation triggered by database changes.


  • PHP 7.2+
  • Redis 5.0+
  • CMS framework (e.g., WordPress, Joomla) with a MySQL database

Files and Structure

Create the following files in your plugin directory:

  • caching.php – main caching class
  • cacheinvalidator.php – cache invalidation logic
  • settings.php – plugin settings
  • redis.php – Redis connection setup

Caching Class (caching.php)

class Caching {

private $redis;

private $cacheKeyPrefix;

public function __construct() {

$this->redis = new Redis();

$this->redis->connect('localhost', 6379);

$this->cacheKeyPrefix = 'cms_cache_';


public function get($key) {

return this->redis->get($this->cacheKeyPrefix . key);


public function set(key, $value, ttl = 3600) {

this->redis->setex($this->cacheKeyPrefix . $key, $ttl, value);

return true;


public function invalidateCache() {

// Trigger cache invalidation logic

require_once 'cacheinvalidator.php';

new CacheInvalidator();



Cache Invalidation Class (cacheinvalidator.php)

class CacheInvalidator {

private $db;

public function __construct() {

global $wpdb; // WordPress database class (modify for other CMS)

this->db = wpdb;


public function invalidateCacheOnDbChange() {

// Listen for database changes (e.g., insert, update, delete)

add_action('db_insert', array($this, 'invalidateCache'));

add_action('db_update', array($this, 'invalidateCache'));

add_action('db_delete', array($this, 'invalidateCache'));

function invalidateCache($table_name) {

// Clear cache for specific table

this->db->query("DELETE FROM {$this->db->prefix}cache WHERE meta_value LIKE CONCAT('%{table_name}%')");




Settings Class (settings.php)

class Settings {

private static $instance;

public function __construct() {}

public static function getInstance() {

if (!self::$instance) {

self::$instance = new self();


return self::$instance;


public function getSetting($key) {

// Retrieve plugin settings (e.g., Redis host, port)

global $wpdb; // WordPress database class (modify for other CMS)

setting = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT meta_value FROM {$wpdb->prefix}options WHERE option_name = 'caching_setting_{key}'");

return $setting;



Redis Connection Class (redis.php)

class Redis {

private $host;

private $port;

public function __construct() {

global $wpdb; // WordPress database class (modify for other CMS)

$settings = Settings::getInstance();

this->host = settings->getSetting('redis_host');

this->port = settings->getSetting('redis_port');


public function connect(host, port) {

return new RedisConnection(host, port);




  1. In your CMS code, create an instance of the Caching class and use its methods to set and get cached values:

$caching = new Caching();

value = caching->get('my_key');

if (!$value) {

// Fetch data from database or other source…

$caching->set('my_key', 'data_value', 3600);


  1. To invalidate cache on database changes, add the following code to your CMS's db_insert, db_update, and db_delete hooks:

new CacheInvalidator();


  • This plugin uses Redis as a caching layer; you'll need to install and configure Redis on your server.
  • The cache invalidation logic is implemented using database events (e.g., insert, update, delete); modify the cacheinvalidator.php file according to your CMS's event system.
  • The settings class (settings.php) assumes WordPress as an example; modify it for other CMS frameworks.



Build a plugin for a php-based cms to implement server-side caching with cache invalidation based on database changes.

GPT 4o

Creating a plugin for a PHP-based CMS to implement server-side caching with cache invalidation involves several key components. I'll guide you through a basic outline and code snippets for building such a plugin. For demonstration purposes, we'll assume the CMS is similar to WordPress or a custom CMS, and we can cache database query results to optimize performance.

Steps to Build the Plugin

  1. Setup the Plugin Structure:
  • Create a directory for your plugin within the CMS plugins directory.
  • Add a main PHP file (e.g., cache-plugin.php) to initialize the plugin.
  1. Initialize the Plugin:
  • Use hooks provided by the CMS to activate and deactivate the plugin.
  1. Implement the Caching Mechanism:
  • Use a caching method like file-based caching, memory-based caching (e.g., Memcached, Redis), or OPcache.
  • Create functions to read from and write to the cache.
  1. Cache Invalidation:
  • Implement mechanisms to clear or refresh the cache when the database changes, such as when updating or deleting content.

Example Code

Here is a simplified version of what the code might look like:

Step 1: Setup the Plugin Structure

Create a directory my-cache-plugin and add a file cache-plugin.php.

Step 2: Initialize the Plugin



Plugin Name: My Cache Plugin

Description: A basic caching plugin with cache invalidation.

Version: 1.0


class MyCachePlugin {

private $cache;

public function __construct() {

// Initialize cache (e.g., using APCu, Redis, or a file-based system)

$this->cache = new SimpleCache();

add_action('init', array($this, 'init_plugin'));


public function init_plugin() {

// Hook into database update actions to invalidate cache

add_action('save_post', array($this, 'invalidate_cache'));


public function cache_get($key) {

return this->cache->get(key);


public function cache_set(key, $value, expiration = 3600) {

this->cache->set($key, $value, expiration);


public function invalidate_cache($post_id) {

// Invalidate cache logic

cache_key = 'post_'.post_id;




// Initialize the plugin

new MyCachePlugin();

Step 3: Implement the Caching Mechanism

Implement a simple caching class. You could replace this with a more robust caching solution in the future.

class SimpleCache {

public function get($key) {

// Implement getting the cached data for the key (e.g., APCu, file)

return apcu_fetch($key);


public function set(key, $value, expiration) {

// Implement setting the data for the key

apcu_store(key, $value, expiration);


public function delete($key) {

// Implement deletion of the cache key




Step 4: Handle Cache Invalidation

Ensure the cache is invalidated or refreshed when database changes occur. This is handled in the invalidate_cache method tied to the save_post action.

Important Considerations

  • Cache Lifetime: Determine the appropriate expiration time for cached content.
  • Granularity: Consider how granular your cache invalidation should be. Per page, per object, or global?
  • Performance: Choose a caching backend that suits your performance requirements.
  • CMS-Specific Hooks: Adjust to fit the specific hooks and APIs your CMS provides. The above example is akin to WordPress.

This example gives you a basic structure to implement caching with invalidation. Depending on your specific CMS, you might need to adapt the initialization process and choose the right hooks to integrate seamlessly.



Build a plugin for a php-based cms to implement server-side caching with cache invalidation based on database changes.


Creating a server-side caching plugin for a PHP-based Content Management System (CMS) involves several steps:

  1. Setting Up the Plugin Structure
  2. Implementing Caching Mechanism
  3. Handling Cache Invalidation on Database Changes

For demonstration purposes, I'll provide a detailed example using WordPress, one of the most popular PHP-based CMS platforms. However, the principles can be adapted to other PHP-based CMS platforms with similar plugin architectures.

Table of Contents

  1. Prerequisites
  2. Plugin Structure
  3. Implementing the Caching Mechanism
  4. Handling Cache Invalidation
  5. Complete Plugin Code
  6. Usage Instructions
  7. Enhancements and Best Practices


Before you begin, ensure you have the following:

  • WordPress Installation: A running WordPress site where you can install and test the plugin.
  • Basic PHP Knowledge: Understanding of PHP syntax and WordPress plugin development.
  • Access to Server Files: Ability to add plugin files to your WordPress installation.

Plugin Structure

A typical WordPress plugin consists of:

  • Main Plugin File: Contains plugin headers and core functionality.
  • Includes Folder: Houses additional PHP classes or functions.
  • Assets Folder (Optional): For CSS, JavaScript, images, etc.

For our caching plugin, we'll keep it simple with just a main file and a class file.

Directory Structure:


└── plugins/

└── custom-cache-plugin/

├── custom-cache-plugin.php

└── includes/

└── class-cache-handler.php

Implementing the Caching Mechanism

1. Main Plugin File (custom-cache-plugin.php)

This file initializes the plugin and includes necessary classes.



Plugin Name: Custom Cache Plugin

Description: Implements server-side caching with cache invalidation based on database changes.

Version: 1.0

Author: Your Name


if (!defined('ABSPATH')) {

exit; // Exit if accessed directly


// Include the cache handler class

require_once plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . 'includes/class-cache-handler.php';

// Initialize the cache handler

function ccp_init_cache_handler() {

$cache_handler = new Cache_Handler();


add_action('init', 'ccp_init_cache_handler');

2. Cache Handler Class (includes/class-cache-handler.php)

This class manages caching and cache invalidation.


if (!defined('ABSPATH')) {

exit; // Exit if accessed directly


class Cache_Handler {

private $cache_dir;

public function __construct() {

$this->cache_dir = WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/cache/custom-cache-plugin/';





* Create cache directory if it doesn't exist


private function create_cache_directory() {

if (!file_exists($this->cache_dir)) {

mkdir($this->cache_dir, 0755, true);




* Hook into WordPress actions that modify the database


private function hook_into_actions() {

// Example hooks – adjust based on what you want to cache/invalidate

add_action('save_post', [$this, 'invalidate_cache']);

add_action('delete_post', [$this, 'invalidate_cache']);

add_action('edited_term', [$this, 'invalidate_cache']);

add_action('set_transient', [$this, 'invalidate_cache']);

// Add more hooks as needed



* Generate a unique cache key based on the current request


private function generate_cache_key() {

key = md5(_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);

return $key;



* Get cached content if available


public function get_cache() {

cache_key = this->generate_cache_key();

cache_file = $this->cache_dir . cache_key . '.html';

if (file_exists($cache_file)) {

// Optional: implement cache expiration

$expiry = 3600; // 1 hour

if (time()  filemtime(cache_file) < expiry) {

echo file_get_contents($cache_file);

exit; // Serve cached content and exit

} else {

unlink($cache_file); // Delete expired cache



// Start output buffering to capture content




* Save the buffered content to cache


public function save_cache() {

cache_key = this->generate_cache_key();

cache_file = $this->cache_dir . cache_key . '.html';

$content = ob_get_contents();

ob_end_flush(); // Send the output to the browser

file_put_contents(cache_file, content);



* Invalidate cache by deleting all cached files

* For more granular invalidation, adjust accordingly


public function invalidate_cache() {

files = glob(this->cache_dir . '*.html'); // Get all cache files

foreach (files as file) {

if (is_file($file)) {

unlink($file); // Delete each cache file





* Initialize caching when the template is loaded


public function init_caching() {


add_action('shutdown', [$this, 'save_cache']);



* Hook into the appropriate action to start caching


public function hook_start_caching() {

if (is_user_logged_in() && current_user_can('edit_posts')) {

// Don't cache for admins/editor to see changes in real-time






* Constructor continued: hook into 'template_redirect' to start caching


public function __construct() {

$this->cache_dir = WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/cache/custom-cache-plugin/';



add_action('template_redirect', [$this, 'hook_start_caching']);



Explanation of the Caching Mechanism

  1. Cache Key Generation: Generates a unique key based on the current request URI using md5($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']).
  2. Cache Retrieval (get_cache):
  • Checks if a cached file exists for the generated key.
  • Validates the cache based on an expiration time (e.g., 1 hour).
  • If valid, outputs the cached content and halts further execution using exit.
  • If not, starts output buffering to capture the dynamic content.
  1. Cache Saving (save_cache):
  • On shutdown (end of the request lifecycle), the buffered content is saved to a cache file.
  • The cached file is stored in the designated cache directory.
  1. Cache Invalidation (invalidate_cache):
  • Hooks into WordPress actions that typically indicate data changes (e.g., save_post, delete_post).
  • When such actions are triggered, all cached files are deleted.
  • Note: For more granular control, you can identify and delete only specific cache files related to the changed data.
  1. Exclusions:
  • The plugin avoids caching for logged-in users with the capability to edit posts (e.g., admins and editors) to ensure they see real-time changes.

Handling Cache Invalidation

Caching improves performance by reducing database queries and processing time. However, it can serve stale content if not properly invalidated. Here's how the plugin handles cache invalidation:

  1. Hook Integration: The plugin hooks into various WordPress actions that signify changes in the database, such as:
  • save_post: Triggered when a post is created or updated.
  • delete_post: Triggered when a post is deleted.
  • edited_term: Triggered when a taxonomy term (e.g., category, tag) is edited.
  • set_transient: Useful if your site uses transients that might affect displayed content.
  1. Invalidation Process: Upon triggering these actions, the invalidate_cache method is called, which deletes all cached files. This ensures that the next request will generate fresh content and re-cache it.
  2. Granular Invalidation (Optional): For large sites with numerous cache files, deleting all caches upon any update might be inefficient. Instead, implement a more granular invalidation strategy by:
  • Associating cache files with specific post IDs, categories, etc.
  • Deleting only relevant cache files based on the data change.

Complete Plugin Code

For convenience, here's the complete plugin code integrated.

1. Main Plugin File (custom-cache-plugin.php)



Plugin Name: Custom Cache Plugin

Description: Implements server-side caching with cache invalidation based on database changes.

Version: 1.0

Author: Your Name


if (!defined('ABSPATH')) {

exit; // Exit if accessed directly


// Include the cache handler class

require_once plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . 'includes/class-cache-handler.php';

// Initialize the cache handler

function ccp_init_cache_handler() {

$cache_handler = new Cache_Handler();


add_action('init', 'ccp_init_cache_handler');

2. Cache Handler Class (includes/class-cache-handler.php)


if (!defined('ABSPATH')) {

exit; // Exit if accessed directly


class Cache_Handler {

private $cache_dir;

public function __construct() {

$this->cache_dir = WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/cache/custom-cache-plugin/';



add_action('template_redirect', [$this, 'hook_start_caching']);



* Create cache directory if it doesn't exist


private function create_cache_directory() {

if (!file_exists($this->cache_dir)) {

mkdir($this->cache_dir, 0755, true);




* Hook into WordPress actions that modify the database


private function hook_into_actions() {

// Example hooks – adjust based on what you want to cache/invalidate

add_action('save_post', [$this, 'invalidate_cache']);

add_action('delete_post', [$this, 'invalidate_cache']);

add_action('edited_term', [$this, 'invalidate_cache']);

add_action('set_transient', [$this, 'invalidate_cache']);

// Add more hooks as needed



* Generate a unique cache key based on the current request


private function generate_cache_key() {

key = md5(_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);

return $key;



* Get cached content if available


public function get_cache() {

cache_key = this->generate_cache_key();

cache_file = $this->cache_dir . cache_key . '.html';

if (file_exists($cache_file)) {

// Optional: implement cache expiration

$expiry = 3600; // 1 hour

if (time()  filemtime(cache_file) < expiry) {

echo file_get_contents($cache_file);

exit; // Serve cached content and exit

} else {

unlink($cache_file); // Delete expired cache



// Start output buffering to capture content




* Save the buffered content to cache


public function save_cache() {

cache_key = this->generate_cache_key();

cache_file = $this->cache_dir . cache_key . '.html';

$content = ob_get_contents();

ob_end_flush(); // Send the output to the browser

file_put_contents(cache_file, content);



* Invalidate cache by deleting all cached files

* For more granular invalidation, adjust accordingly


public function invalidate_cache() {

files = glob(this->cache_dir . '*.html'); // Get all cache files

foreach (files as file) {

if (is_file($file)) {

unlink($file); // Delete each cache file





* Initialize caching when the template is loaded


public function init_caching() {


add_action('shutdown', [$this, 'save_cache']);



* Hook into the appropriate action to start caching


public function hook_start_caching() {

if (is_user_logged_in() && current_user_can('edit_posts')) {

// Don't cache for admins/editor to see changes in real-time






Usage Instructions

  1. Create Plugin Folder:
  • Navigate to wp-content/plugins/ in your WordPress installation.
  • Create a new folder named custom-cache-plugin.
  1. Add Plugin Files:
  • Create the main plugin file custom-cache-plugin.php inside the custom-cache-plugin folder and paste the corresponding code.
  • Create an includes directory within custom-cache-plugin.
  • Inside includes, create class-cache-handler.php and paste the corresponding class code.
  1. Create Cache Directory:
  • The plugin automatically creates a cache directory at wp-content/cache/custom-cache-plugin/. Ensure that the wp-content/cache/ directory is writable by the web server.
  1. Activate the Plugin:
  • Log in to your WordPress admin dashboard.
  • Navigate to Plugins > Installed Plugins.
  • Locate Custom Cache Plugin and click Activate.
  1. Testing:
  • Visit your website's front-end as a non-logged-in user.
  • The first request should generate and cache the page.
  • Subsequent requests should serve the cached version.
  • Update or delete a post to trigger cache invalidation.
  • Refresh the page to ensure the cache is regenerated with the latest content.

Enhancements and Best Practices

  1. Cache Expiration:
  • The current implementation uses a simple time-based expiration ($expiry = 3600 seconds).
  • Consider making the expiration time configurable via the WordPress admin settings.
  1. Granular Cache Invalidation:
  • Instead of deleting all cache files, implement logic to delete only those caches affected by the change.
  • For example, if a specific post is updated, delete only the cache files related to that post's pages.
  1. Using Advanced Caching Solutions:
  • For high-traffic sites, consider integrating with caching solutions like Redis or Memcached for better performance.
  • Utilize PHP’s APCu extension if available.
  1. Admin Interface:
  • Provide an admin settings page to allow customization of caching behavior, such as enabling/disabling caching, setting expiration times, and viewing cache status.
  1. Security Considerations:
  • Ensure that caching does not inadvertently expose sensitive data.
  • Validate and sanitize all data, especially if extending the caching mechanism to include user-specific data.
  1. Performance Monitoring:
  • Implement logging to monitor cache hits and misses.
  • Analyze performance improvements and adjust caching strategies accordingly.
  1. Compatibility:
  • Test the plugin with various WordPress themes and other plugins to ensure compatibility.
  • Use WordPress coding standards for better maintainability and compatibility.


Creating a custom caching plugin for a PHP-based CMS like WordPress involves setting up a structured plugin, implementing a caching mechanism, and ensuring that the cache is properly invalidated upon relevant database changes. This example provides a foundational approach that can be extended and customized based on specific needs and the complexity of the website.

By following best practices and continually refining the caching strategy, you can significantly enhance your website's performance and user experience.